which countries give citizenship by investment?


Thank. US citizens who wish to quickly renounce their citizenship may benefit from pursuing a second citizenship by investment. Minimum Investment: USD 150,000 Grenada citizenship scheme is rated as the gold standard in the CBI industry. You’re also at the mercy of the lira exchange rate on the day of the sale, as well as an appraisal that may not value cheap resale properties (the kind that make good investments) as highly as new construction. And as perhaps the only person who covers the second citizenship scene to have personally been through four citizenship by investment programs, I am uniquely qualified to speak on this subject. Citizenship benefits. Let’s get one thing clear from the very beginning: there is no #1 citizenship by investment (CBI) program. You’ll have more or less the same view; endless ocean and beautiful sand. It’s recently taken solid steps in straightening out the program and making it more understandable to foreign investors, so it might still appeal to certain investors. Official Government Website: cambodiainvestment.gov.kh Name * E-mail * Message. There was immense competition among the Caribbean CBI programs in 2020 as the global COVID-19 epidemic grounded most of the world’s planes and left the tourism-dependent islands stranded and hurting for cash. It’s just a matter of time!”. Leaving Investment citizenship aside, the best way to turn into a citizen of Malta is to marry a Maltese Citizen. Vanuatu offers privacy and seclusion with its residence and citizenship by investment programs. This would allow them to work toward a Tier A citizenship via naturalization in a few years while also having a desirable residence permit somewhere like the European Union. They’ve taken efforts to correct their pricing due to recent price wars, but it’s still intentionally overpriced. St. Kitts and Nevis’ citizenship by investment here. There is certainly something special about this place, which has given the world not one, but two Nobel prize winners. A Russian couple applied for our help. If you want to bypass all this and secure yourself a second passport in as little time as possible, you’ll need a citizenship by investment program. Before 1984 when St. Kitts and Nevis introduced its citizenship by investment program, economic citizenship did not exist. Basically, it offers a simplified procedure to live part-time in the US as a business owner, and that makes it rather attractive to many people. There are other options that are easier, less expensive, and less bureaucratic than obtaining a second passport by investment. The difference in Dominica is that they did not put a deadline on the discounts, which means that they are still in effect. Citizenship after 10 years by naturalising through permanent residence. While the sum is considerably lower, you won’t be seeing those €10,000 again either. However, the offer only lasted until December 31, 2020. Or at least to me they are not. What passports do you currently have and which ones would you like to have? Actually, the lure of being isolated geographically and hence different from Caribbean programs could be a game-changer for some. They are presented here. The only Oceania-South Pacific country on our list is Vanuatu. No income personal/corporate, no sales, no inheritance, no gift, no estate or no capital gains taxes in Bahamas. Different Countries are offering Citizenship through Investment program which allows an applicant to gain the citizenship of country by investing in form of Donation or Real Estate Investment specific amount which help in forwarding country economic, infrastructural and development initiatives. St. Lucia was the first Caribbean country to offer a discount in response to COVID-19, lowering the investment minimum for its government bonds option. Your email address will not be published. In the face of a global pandemic, CBI countries have lowered their prices or even launched special deals to claim the cheapest citizenship by investment program title. While the other one is an investment in government projects, which is at least EURO 250k for underdeveloped areas while EURO 450k for developed areas. The biggest challenge for Vanuatu is its ever-changing requirements and unclear policies on what is essentially an honorary citizenship. For a bespoke plan, Each country that offers citizenship by investment has a clearly outlined program that has been, European Citizenship by Investment Programs, Unlike Malta’s straightforward residence options (especially the. And one of the main goals for Nomad Capitalist is to make sure that all of one’s bases are covered, from where you bank to where you hold passports without becoming obsessed with ‘shiny objects’ like Mediterranean villas. Official Government Website: invest.gov.tr Official Government Website: cbi.gov.gd 12 Countries Where You Can Get Citizenship By Investment. However, access to China, Russia, and the USA could make the higher price tag worth it depending on your needs. Covid has accelerated the popularity of citizenship by investment schemes (CBI) that require any sort of personal visits. We’ll have to see how this plays out as the program matures and more real estate developments are approved. If you’re earning high six- or seven-figures, you may find buying citizenship easier and cheaper on a time-cost basis than the longer, more elusive naturalization route. We currently hold Indian passport and family of 4 (2 adults 2 children). Thank you in advance, Hi Patric, thank you for your comment. This country is located in the eastern part of the Mediterranean Sea and it is among the most populated islands. Official Government Website: cipregistry.mof.gov.cy Official Government Website: vanucitizenship.gov.vu Travel Perks: Visa-Free to 184 countries. Montenegro has 2 types of investment; the first one is available only to 2,000 applicants until 2021. Time Frame: 3-4 months To do this, you can either buy a property that is worth €700,000 or more (an actual investment) or enter a five-year lease that is worth at least €16,000 per year, bringing the total five-year amount to €80,000. Each country that offers citizenship by investment has a clearly outlined program that has been authorized by its government. It is a business transaction, you invest, they give you citizenship. The business investment isn’t a “come and run your own business” scenario. You’ll be a bit like Angelina Jolie. Meanwhile, if you’d rather invest in real estate, the minimum investment sum is $200,000, and there are many providers ready to sell you everything from a shack to a timeshare in a five-star hotel. This includes all text and images that they use within their own work. Here’s who is eligible to get a Dominican citizenship now: • Adult siblings (biological or adopted; must be single and childless), • Adult children (don’t need to be studying or living with parents), • Financially dependent parents and grandparents of both the main applicant and spouse (don’t need to be living with main applicant), • Children born and spouses married after the applicant has received citizenship. There was almost a new program every year – Cyprus, Antigua and Barbuda, Grenada, the programs began to roll out. Meanwhile, Egypt and Jordan, which technically have citizenship by investment programs, are never the options that we would recommend to our clients. Which countries in Europe offer citizenship through investment? Turkey is the only citizenship by investment program that allows you to invest in any real estate you want. Kotor, Montenegro is one of my personal summer homes. Cambodia is the only South-East Asian country on our list where you can be a Citizen if you invest. Update 2020: Cyprus canceled its citizenship by investment program on November 1, 2020. You will also need to make a charitable contribution of at least €10,000 to an approved non-profit in Malta. Vanuatu, St. Kitts, & Antigua and Barbuda. While many Chinese, Arabs, Russians, and Indians may prefer an EU passport, westerners realize that “Tier B” passports (with good, but not great, travel privileges) are the wave of the future and not only cost less but do not come without the baggage of a crumbling bloc of mostly socialist countries. If you can comfortably kiss at least €700,000 goodbye, this is a great program that covers all the bases. You make the investment and they grant you citizenship. Ways to acquire Malta Citizenship include: – Through Marriage. Besides traveling, she loves organizing trips, taking pictures, reading, and making new friends. Submit. The Best Passport vs. a Passport Portfolio. Official Government Website: mia.gov.me It’s not the specifics of any one program that matter the most when determining whether it’s the best citizenship by investment program. © Two Monkeys Travel Group 2021 Web Design & Development by Eldo™. For one, Montenegro has very low tax rates – some of the lowest in Europe at just 9% – and we can only imagine that would come under some scrutiny if they were to join the EU. It is also the first thing people think about when they think “citizenship by investment”, since non-Caribbean options are all relatively new. If you are an entrepreneur or investor looking for other legal alternatives, feel free to go through my application process and see how we can help. Now, let’s move out of Europe and into the Americas, namely the Caribbean. Follow my adventures through my Instagram. even stronger than USA(8th place in 2020). It will give you access to all of Europe, as well as visa-free access to the difficult-to-obtain Macedonia, plus the UAE. However, it is not good for travel to most of the Americas or even Australia in its own backyard. Plus, Dominica has also lowered its prices for all family sizes: • Single applicants will continue paying $100,000, • Married couples will pay $150,000 (down from $175,000), • A family of 4 will pay $175,000 (down from $200,000), • Additional dependents will still cost $25,000 per person, and adult siblings $50,000. There are five countries that offer citizenship by investment programs that are worth looking at and can provide an investor immigrant a second passport. DISCLOSURE: Please note that some of the links above are affiliate links. Your email address will not be published. The process can be a bit complicated because all properties need to be purchased on the same day and titled in the same office, meaning you can’t score a cheap Istanbul apartment and tack on a beach house in Antalya to qualify. This is why we wanted to present this guide for you to … Citizenship or residency can be bought in these 23 countries, ranging from $15,253 to $2.57 million. Another European country where you can be granted citizenship is Cyprus. St. Kitts and Nevis runs the original economic passport program, in operation since 1984. I am a content citizen of St. Lucia, but that doesn’t mean it will be the right passport for you. It’s definitely worth considering, even though it’s no longer the only game in town. We were looking at Portugal. Rent-A-Flight Ticket! A gentleman came to us and said his number one priority was to replace his passport with another Tier A passport before he renounced his US citizenship. Coming in at $100,000, Dominica now has competition at this price point for solo applicants, but unlike other CBI programs, it does have a longer track record of being in operation to show for itself. Here is the link https://nomadcapitalist.com/apply. You can travel mostly visa-free in Europe with Montenegrin Citizenship. Pragmatically, renunciation requires a second passport, and if you’re a high-earner, the cost of an economic citizenship might be far less than the tax and compliance costs of remaining American, particularly as tax laws have become even worse for foreign business owners under Trump Tax Reform. I once was a person who just imagined going to places “one day” but decided to pursue my dreams. How to obtain a Cypriot Citizenship May 21, 2019. It’s also a good option if you’re interested in doing business in the UAE or Russia. At least you could recoup the bond investment. Hey, I’m Lyza! Still, it’s quite tempting for people who want to have a business in this part of the world. The UK is too cold. The less scrupulous people in the citizenship industry often say, “It’s imminent! European Citizenship by investment programs offer a process by which investors can get a second citizenship within a few months. You can invest in the National Development Fund with at least USD 100,000, one of the lowest on our list. +1 (979)966-6623 CONTACT US SERVICESPRIVACY POLICY FAQs, Copyright 2012-21, Nomad Capitalist Limited"Nomad Capitalist" and "Go Where You're Treated Best" are registered trademarks. Malta has a great passport and gives you a lot of privileges, but that also means there are more strings attached. In many countries obtaining citizenship is difficult due to rigid rules. There are simply better options for all case scenarios. If you have a (large) family, other countries will work better for you, but Saint Lucia is one of the best CBI programs for solo applicants. If a passport’s value were wholly defined by its travel privileges alone, the United States would have among the world’s best citizenships and no one would be calling us to ask for help, And one of the main goals for Nomad Capitalist is to make sure that all of one’s bases are covered, from where you bank to where you hold passports without becoming obsessed with ‘, If you are an entrepreneur or investor looking for other legal alternatives, feel free to, and see how we can help. Can you please help us and let us know which would be the best option for investment. 6 countries that give citizenship by investment. But it does not come cheap. VERDICT: St. Kitts and Nevis used to be the only game in town, but it has lost its luster since losing visa-free access to Canada in 2014. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. The process will take 90 days and will give you immediate benefits. We currently hold Indian passport, Interested. Their programme is still running and there is a fast track to get citizenship in 2 years, recovering the investment in 4 years since starting the process. St. Kitts has a few perks: it offers a rush option to get approval within 45 days if you have a valid reason to request such a thing, and as of recently it offers visa-free travel to Russia. From buying a dream property to donating to a country’s prosperity through a charitable fund, you can choose the best way to manage your wealth and diversify your portfolio. You won’t, however, get visa-free access to the UK, Ireland, the US and a few rather important countries. Jordan is the only Middle-Eastern country on our list. I aim to visit 10 countries before turning 30 and 2 new places in the Philippines every year. The first one is the classic donation, the minimum is currently €690,000 and will only get you citizenship after three years. Before Cypus’ program was shut down, Malta was still a better deal than Cyprus for many people because of this, particularly if they would rather donate a much lesser amount and invest the difference elsewhere. After you make the donation of. CANADA . Time Frame: 1.5 – 2 months And an excellent perk for investors is being offered citizenship. And Grenadian Citizens can get into China and Russia freely. Then citizenship by descent may do the trick. Montenegro followed Malta’s example and created a hybrid system that requires a donation and an investment. Antigua is the only Caribbean CBI to offer visa-free travel to South Africa, but that’s about it. And last of all, unlike the citizenship programs in Vanuatu and the Caribbean that don’t care if you ever show up, Malta needs you to put in time on the ground to show proof of connection to the country. Unlike Malta’s straightforward residence options (especially the Global Resident Programme), Malta’s citizenship by investment program is rather complex. St. Kitts and Nevis used to be the only game in town, but it has lost its luster since losing visa-free access to Canada in 2014. I can still use my passport – I am and will continue to be a Comorian citizen – but the program is no longer available to new applicants. Learn how your comment data is processed. Looking for a “Plan B”? You make a donation (and now, more recently, you can also invest in real estate) and they’ll give you a passport in just two to three short months. Travel Perks: Visa-Free to 51 countries. May 21, 2019. Then, To be clear, economic citizenship is for people with a pressing need to have another passport. One unconfirmed report indicated that the government had to be bullied into re-issuing economic citizens’ passports after they expired five years later. It does reject applicants and it has proven that it’s capable of revoking citizenships (unlike Cyprus). But for an overview of all CBI programs, read on. Hi there! Minimum Investment: EURO 600,000 or about USD 725,000 Learn more about Dominica’s citizenship by investment program here. Everyone’s passport portfolio will be different and can be filled with passports obtained in various ways. Official Government Website: komunita.gov.mt Luckily, citizenship by investment isn’t the only way you can get a second passport. I searched online and their citizenship by investment programme is still running. Prices currently start from $100,000 under donation option or $200,000 for real estate. It’s been my only passport. Learn more about Malta’s citizenship by investment program here. Either way, that’s not exactly chump change. Looking to buy an instant citizenship? Minimum Investment: EURO 100,000 / USD 120,000 – up to 2021 or EURO 250,000 / USD 300,000 You can technically resell your investment in several years, but you likely won’t get your money back. He has personally lived this lifestyle for over a decade, and now works with seven- and eight-figure entrepreneurs and investors who want to "go where they're treated best". What is citizenship by investment? Carribean Citizenship by investment programs offer a process by which investors can get a second citizenship within 2-6 months. More significant discounts are to be had if you have a large family and invest in the University of the West Indies Fund Pre-COVID, your total outlay for a citizenship for six people would have been $185,000. All in all, Antigua and Barbuda offers an interesting passport program (we’d give it a B+) with several investment options, but it has been leveled by also losing visa-free access to Canada (just as St. Kitts did earlier). Keep in mind that there are many predators online trying to prey on those seeking a second passport by offering empty promises. Unfortunately, Paraguay has no expedited options for naturalization (citizenship) and its residency requirements alone stand at 3-years. Unless you’re a US citizen in need of a second passport to reduce your tax obligations (these people don’t have any alternatives but to renounce), there are different ways to achieve the same things in the investment immigration world. Some might say it’s a more ‘western’ passport than the other Caribbean ones because the country hasn’t cozied up with Russia or China. Travel Perks: Visa-Free to 152 countries. If you can comfortably kiss at least €700,000 goodbye, this is a great program that covers all the bases. Until recently, the donation option started at $250,000 and went up from there. If you purchase property in the more popular coastal area, the investment requirement goes up to, The first is the prospect of EU ascension. Currently, the fate of the scheme is still set to be decided and Moldova will not accept any new applications until September 2021, if they accept them at all. We experienced this before and we will be happy to help you. Learn more about Montenegro’s citizenship by investment program here. The two-island nation likes to refer to itself as the “platinum” citizenship program in the region. I am very interested in St Lucia donation program as well as Grenada. at present portugal passport ranks 6th (visa free access to 186 countries) in the world. While St. Lucia originally required you to have a net worth of at least $3 million, they dropped that requirement in 2017. I heard the rental yield is the highest in Europe. Here is the link https://nomadcapitalist.com/apply. Now, you can invest $250,000 in government bonds and pay $30,000 in fees, essentially saving $70,000 in sunk costs compared to the donation and get your money back after five years’ time. It’s also a good option if you’re interested in doing business in the UAE or Russia. We like Vanuatu and see potential for tax-free residency seekers, but the passport program is overpriced and too confusing. I would like to read your analysis on that, Your email address will not be published. Wealthy in these 23 countries, which countries give citizenship by investment? from $ 15,253 to $ 2.57 million but that price tag worth depending! ’ re always wary of government-approved real estate costing a minimum real estate in UAE... Of Caribbean programs could be a citizen 150,000 Time Frame: 3-4 months Official government Website: cipsaintlucia.com Perks. No estate or no capital gains taxes in Bahamas also means there are other options that are easier less. 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