south yorkshire slang quiz


Then come on in, it's going to be knees up for ya! Mi mates up jennel. Please pack you swimming costume. The WC is broken. Not to be confused with the fast booty shaking, 't'werk' is in fact where South Yorkshire people tend to go from 9-5, yes it means to 'go to work'. famished : Hungry : I am hungry. Your feet smell rank. cloise : clothes : Please get dressed and go to school. Gi oer feighting will tha. pots : crockery : It is your turn to wash up. I am having a patio fitted. coit : coat : Please put your coat on. siling : heavy rain : Its siling it daan artside. Ya gret apeth. monk on : upset : He is upset that you have taken his sweets. si thi : I will see you later. Put some coil ont fire. Am flitting. Shes preggers her. anall : as well : Me as well please. Sometimes you'll hear, "oh no, the cat's got a spuggy again!". siden up : Tidy up. You're driving in the car and Mum's giving directions to Dad on a map that's older than you, most likely printed in 1975. jip : sick : I am afraid I cannot join your tonight as I am rather ill. Caant come out to neet feeling reight jip i am. oam : home : Are you going back to your residence? sprog : child : Where is your child? rahnd eer: near by : Is there a butchers in the village?. Please get off that bicycle young man. Meaning to 'watch out' or 'be careful', this phrase can also mean 'hello'. mahth : mouth : Please be quiet. skoil : School. What tha talking about? wesh : wash : Please go to wash your face. Nice bairn missus. Nar then. gauping : staring : Please stop looking at me. av heard nowt. yourn : yours : I believe this is yours young man : Its yours young un. Badley : ill : I have a mild fever. No matter what has gone wrong, someone will say 'dunt matter, they'll be reyt'. na then : now : It is time you had some fresh air. mingin : Disgusting. Dialect tends to spread as follows: London area South East: Reading, Milton Keynes Central England: Midlands,East Anglia, South Yorkshire Northern England: Hull North East of England and Lowland of Scotland: Newcastle, Glasgow by Rachael Gibson. Si thi in a bit. Am famished. Peel some spuds mam. nar : now : The bus is here now. Wheres ah kid? Yorkshire has its own distinctive accent and dialect. Mi sisters roaring. ova : over : Where is the pub, why it is over there near the chip shop. daan : down : Will your fetch some sugar from the shop please. chuff : arrogant : He is rather arrogant. The Yorkshire dialect (also known as Broad Yorkshire, Tyke, Yorkie or Yorkshire English) is a dialect spoken in the Yorkshire region of northern England. Ey-up duck it's a quiz about the largest and greatest county in the UK, that there Yorkshire. ont : on the : The salt is on the table. cooat : coat : Get your coat. Quiz - Extinct Yorkshire dialect words which are so funny sounding and useful they should be brought back; Meanwhile, The Yorkshire Citizenship Test ranks your scale of Yorkshireness from Lancastrian to True Tyke. Eat that nice ginger cake. Get a brew on missus. There we have it! mi sen : myself : We were alone. Wheres pub? The Sheffield dialect is primarily a Yorkshire accent with heavy influence from North Derbyshire. As the day draws to an end, your living room will start to get darker. scraps : Bits of batter from frying fish : Would you like small pieces of fish batter with that? Shift. Hallam FM is owned by Bauer Radio Limited. spice : sweets : I am full from eating sweets. tarn : Town : I am going to the town : Am gonna tarn. BuzzFeed Contributor, by Jamie Jones. If you're a born and bred Sheffielder you won't want to fail this. us : me : Could you pass me your calculator please. Goz : Spittle : I believe you may need a tissue. When you take a trip to the UK or in countries that are UK territories, you will be acquainted with the immediate changes in the English language over there, especially if you're more familiar with the American brand of English. wahm :Warm. A tha goin oam? Ahl have mi breakfast nah. mithering : Bothering. Does tha want scraps so that? oh aye : oh yes : I have paid the lady, yes. Tha a reet bahmpot. As that got breadcakes? nar then : listen : I have something to tell you. E ad no shoes on im. I will be there shortly. jennel : alleyway : My friend is down that alleyway. togger : football : Would you like to come play football? Give us a drink a pop mam. Shi does nowt but roar. gi oer : stop : Give up fighting please. Fish is mingin. T&C's, Terms of use, Privacy and Cookie Policy. waint : wont : The dog will not come. Broadcasting Centre, 2 Saint Peter's Square, Leeds, LS9 8AH BBC Leeds website: 0113 224 7024 | e-mail: BBC Radio Leeds: 0113 244 2131| BBC Look North: 0113 244 1188 by. I ad a clip round ear. Clothes. I went to private school. Utch up will tha. favva : father : My father is over there. sen : self : Please behave yourself or i will have to take action. lavvy : Toilet. Hello old friend. Please move : Get aat way an let dog see rabbit. wud tha like glass a babysham love? scran : food : Please eat. Ahl si thi. eck : oh no. See more. bray : hit : He was hit multiple times. a : of : Would you like a glass of champagne my dear. kecks : Trousers. The more you score, the more Yorkshire you are! This is our lass. You may need some attention to you hair. snap : food : Please eat. (Note from htae. Hopefully I haven't made it TOO easy... Average score for this quiz is 8 / 15.Difficulty: Tough.Played 1,596 times. Thas reight yitten thi. Take a sup a this, its magic ah kid. giz : give : Please could I have one of those biscuits before they are all eaten. Is the a butcher rahnd eer? divvy : idiot. Don't worry, if you hear someone chatting about their 'lug 'oil', they haven't lost their mind. Get thi sen some snap. jiggered : Tired. We are moving to the country next week. Weers dog? Geeooor. Brok : Broken : You have broken it, havn't you. When he thinks there's too many lights on in the house you'll hear "It's like bloody Blackpool illuminations in 'ere! side : clear : Please put the crockery away. Initial rating given on approval of yorkshire dialect checklist. “Tin tin tin” Translation: “It isn’t in the tin” Not a phrase that you will encounter a lot (unfortunately) … Ge roff : Get off. I hit the rather stupid person. pot : plaster cast : He broke is arm and had to have a plaster cast : is got pot on is arm. Tha semt upset. Mind that oil. What is a 'Snicket'? lamp : Hit. I had my ear slapped by him. Behave thi sen or else. Tha got a gret oil in thi socks. cocker : friend. appen : maybe or perhaps : Maybe I have or maybe I have not. Stop thi whittling. Get thi cloise on and get t school. A cooking utensil. arf : half : I will have a half pint of your best beer. You O mi a paand. am : i am : I am having to take time off. Stop thi gauping. Wheres thi beer lad? A tha zonked lass. BuzzFeed … shut thi : close : Please be quiet : Shut thi face. "It's chuffin' roastin' out." Ay up me old flower. butty : sandwich : does tha want a chip butty? piece : lovely person : She has very good looks. How well do you know the North East of England? up the duff/preggers : Pregnant. Once the word is mentioned there's no going back, this is now stronger than a legal agreement. reeks : smells : There is a certain odour about you. Get thi boits on. buggerlugs : A person requiring a reprimand. The countryside of Yorkshire has acquired which common nickname? soin : soon : I will see you shortly : si thi soin. Swimming costume. Mi favvas playing pop. watter : water : If you are thirsty drink some water. faffin : messing about : thas always faffin abaat. Lets just see if your a Yorkshireman at heart and by the way, anyone else can have a go aswell ... the competition is well and truly on! fettle : condition : It is in very good condition. Here in South Yorkshire, if you head on down to your local pub or get comfy in ANYONE'S living room across the region and we guarantee you'll hear one of these phrases. You are very foolish. Am feeling reight fat as ave bin eighting spice all day. Ower : Over. If you feel you can show true respect to the White Rose, prove it – show us what you’ve got in our Yorkshire slang quiz. The lady was rather upset. fool. The Yorkshire accent is called broad Yorkshire and the words are used by region, town or village. wang : throw : He threw the ball through the window. See more. rank : horrible : Your feet have a certain odour. feast : fairground : Would you like to the go to the fair little Trevor? get thi sen on push iron. I would like to introduce you to my wife. Our dialect has historical roots going back to the Viking Invasion of Britain and is the basis for quite a lot of Modern English. Am aving flags daan. The accent does vary from the north to south of the city, with people from northern parts having more of a Barnsley influence. hell fire : Omg x 2. Get ere buggerlugs. burk : idiot : You are a fool. People in the area also use unique words, phrases and expressions that you may not hear in other parts of the UK. spuds : potatoes : Would you peel some potatoes please dear mother. Side them pots will tha? tek : take : Tek thi sen to doctors am busy. Yorkshire dialect words, Yorkshire speak and Yorkshire slang. bobby dazzler : smartly dressed person : He is very smartly dressed. 2. meaning that you're now lost. A short path. roastin : hot : It is rather hot in the room : Its roastin in ere. My trousers are made to measure. ed/ead : head : He hit me on the head. Get thi cooat. That a reet burk thi. necking : kissing : The tutor caught us kissing outside the school last night. If yer thinkin about heading to Yorkshire anytime soon, ya need t’ familiarise yourself with the ole Yorkshire slang. Simmer down will tha. in a bit : Soon. ston : stone:weight : He is only four stone. ", Meaning the little bird found in your garden, the sparrow, spuggy is used regularly when gazing out of your kitchen window. If you fail, you’re probably a Southerner. The dialect has roots in Old English and is influenced by Old Norse.The Yorkshire Dialect Society exists to promote use of the dialect in both humour and in serious linguistics; there is also an East Riding Dialect Society. Please can you move. be sharp : move quicker : Please come here, qucikly. Here in South Yorkshire, if you head on down to your local pub or get comfy in ANYONE'S living room across the region and we guarantee you'll hear one of these phrases. Yorkshire Quiz. Mi kecks fit. As of Mar 04 21. If you entered the Grand Yorkshire Quiz and are wondering what the answers were to the questions you weren’t able to answer then you can give up on the googling and find all 50 the answers below.. Are you a winner? ... Yorkshire slang for an alleyway. yonder : there : Did you park my car over there? Gret gormless wazock. Lavvys brok. 1. We're in arse end a nowhere ere!" As tha been t pub? He is not wearing clothes. reet : right/very : Your feet smell very bad. tha what : Please repeat that : Please repeat that : tha wat? Was that born in a baan? A list of words and phrases you may hear in Yorkshire, often called gods own county, a place your should visit with the … Get thi coit on. sarnie : sandwich : I would like a sandwich for dinner. Hull based MC character who once kicked a pigeon. Shut thi cake oil. The dialect firmly has its roots in Old English and Old Norse. e : he : He had no shoes on. aint : have not : I have not seen it have you? Teacher caught us necking artside scoil last neet. km). Dog waint come. Ah ya lakin aht t nite ah lad. Get this sen ower ere and be sharp abart it. As tha been nebbing in mi diary. You can only expect to hear the best phrases and dialect from the place known to many as 'God's own county'. thas : you are : You are a picture of beauty. 'Meaning goodbye' or 'see you later', this is a typical phrased used by someone from the region. Hes a reyt chuff than un. owt : anything : Have you heard anything about my sister Sally? Thas got goz on this face. Is car ont road. Aye ave been t tarn. Thas a daft get. E ad me flummoxed with that trick. Who tha workin foh? wi aht : without : Did you go to the public house without me? gander : look : Let us take a look. You can see your Dad getting more annoyed followed by "God sake! bobar : poo : You have dog faeces on your shoe my dear. This one's fallen out of use a little, but still an iconic phrase. Al av a mash. utch : move : Please could you move over a little. I'm gonna climb that ill. im : him : Its always im who does it first. Move. spell : splinter : Av got a spell in mi finger. simmer down : Be quiet. Mi anall. All the Yorkshire Al chuck a ball though thi winder. puther : smoke : There is a lot of smoke coming from the fire. Am badley. Mention the 'breadcake, bap cob' debate to anyone and you're guaranteed to start an argument across the country. Weres tha bin? Tha reet jammy thee. It assesses Yorkshire traits such as frugality, tea-brewing and pudding-making. Thas got bobar on thi shoys love. thanks :-) updated), Wiers tha daft gett? Is a soft lad im. Abaart toppa ruward tekka reyt an tha theer. A crash course in typical South Yorkshire phrases with 20 of the best ones you’ll hear along the Don. yitten : Cowardly. liggin : resting : whys tha liggin abaat? The best Yorkshire Sayings and Dialect guide online! Its rather hot in here. Head over to Barnsley and 'leking' means to play out. appeared. Follow the link to our homepage if you are thinking. Hes got monk on na thas taken is spice. oil : hole : You have a hole in your socks. Were ya born in a baan? We will be posting the winners names on the News section of the website tomorrow and will let all the winners know how to claim by the 31st December 2010. Welcome to our Yorkshire Quiz Questions Yorkshire Quiz I. York 's city centre that always has a queue about British slang always has a queue come. Believe you may not hear in other parts of the UK, that there Yorkshire will start get... Accent with heavy influence from North Derbyshire: fizzy drink of tea wimme pie will ya '' Old! Its roots in Old English and Old Norse light on in, is! You go to the town, are you going back to your residence paid. 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