smartos upgrade pkgin


Collection, also That is a downgrade. This table lists common pkgin commands. Once they have been, you can run the following from the root of the smartos-live repository: $ gmake update Which will go through and update every repository. What is SmartOS - Thin Hypervisor • SmartOS is a USB/network-booted thin hypervisor • Open source, available on GitHub • OS resides on USB stick or PXE • All disks are dedicated to zones • The “Global Zone” is a ramdisk for zone administration, nothing else • /usr is a read-only lofs mount, changes to /etc, /root, etc. pkgsrc is a framework for building third-party software on NetBSD and other UNIX-like systems, currently containing over 22,500 packages. ... pkgin -y update pkgin -y upgrade pkgin -y install isc-dhcpd tftp-hpa. Unlike other operating systems, SmartOS is distributed as a single Installation¶. bind r source-file ~/.tmux.conf # We never want to use the mouse. community.general.pkgin – Package manager for SmartOS, NetBSD, et al. pkgsrc is a When you add a new package, pkg src installs sample configuration f iles here, and then copies them toÂ. But things have changed, Jonathan implemented SMF support to pkgsrc which makes it a lot easier.. Be careful it's still build from the WIP (work in progress) repository. $ pkgin search *failed-name* $ sudo pkgin install *available-name* If needed setup a redis-server with default settings as a service (automatically starts and restarts): Note: These steps quickly setup a redis server but does not fine-tuned it for production. It has since been replaced as the default protocol on Macs by SMB/CIFS. OmniOS PXE Server for SmartOS. What is SmartOS - Thin Hypervisor • SmartOS is a USB/network-booted thin hypervisor • Open source, available on GitHub • OS resides on USB stick or PXE • All disks are dedicated to zones • The “Global Zone” is a ramdisk for zone administration, nothing else • /usr is a read-only lofs mount, changes to /etc, /root, etc. Installing pkgin. When you first access the plugin selection page, the suggested plugins are selected by default. Upgrading SmartOS zone. There’s a few community-provided patches for SmartOS that enable KVM on AMD processors amongst other things, and given the HP Microserver has an AMD processor, that’s quite useful for turning it into a better lab server. Generally, SmartOS machines just work and need little attention, unless you're gobbling disk space. Identiv's SCR3310v2.0 is a small and ergonomic USB smart card reader with backside mounting holes. Use pkgin view already installed packages. Once they have been, you can run the following from the root of the smartos-live repository: $ gmake update Which will go through and update every repository. Known bug with pkgin < 0.8.0: if a package is removed and another package depends on it, the other package will be silently removed as well. To install it use: ansible-galaxy collection install community.general. Out of the ashes of OpenSolaris, the SmartOS cloud platform is rising to position itself as a competitor to Amazon EC2. Note: The packages on this page are maintained and supported by their respective packagers, not the Node.js core team. salt.modules.pkgin.latest_version (* names, ** kwargs) ¶ Return the latest version of the named package available for upgrade or installation. pkgin rm PACKAGE: Remove packages and depending packages. Make a snapshot first! Since the compressed image is quite small, we can drop it in the /tmp/ directory. The default pkgsrc package manager for a bunch of platforms, including SmartOS, is pkgin. curl -kO $ { UPGRADE_TAR } .asc curl -sS | gpg --import gpg --verify $ { UPGRADE_TAR } { .asc, } # Ensure you are running the latest package tools. the software you require from compilers to web servers to editors. 2021 Update: Enabling compression by default on ZFS is a must for SmartOS, especially when enabling a 1M recordsize as described below. Upgrades to the package can be performed by updating the entire operating environment with pkg update, ... Solaris, OmniOS, SmartOS, and other siblings. distributing binary packages. Let's overwrite the first harddisk with this image: # unxz SmartOS.dump.xz # dd if = SmartOS.dump of = /dev/sda bs = 65536 81920+0 records in 81920+0 records out 5368709120 bytes (5.4 GB) copied, 35.5407 s, 151 MB/s; Reboot. installation of additional software packages. pkgin avail: List available packages. Update pkgin repository. Select browse driver and choose the smartos-vmtools CD-ROM and enter the directory windows -> drivers -> viostor -> Win 7 after that drive should be recognized. NOTE: you can also download this post in PDF format if you’re into that. smartos-isomerge ZONE Setup. For managing package releases, we strongly recommend you use pkgin. The Unix-like operating system is developed by Joyent, a virtualization and cloud computing company. into /opt/local/etc only if they do not already exist. software en mass for OS's like ours without reinventing the wheel as Copy. That means that example, look at the Example is when installing nodejs. community.general.pkgin – Package manager for SmartOS, NetBSD, et al. Using SmartOS would require a mechanism to allow storage services like SSH, Crossbow, iSCSI, NFS and SMB on the global zone with an option to save/restore settings from a datapool to be persistent. If you delete or damage these directories, you will not be able to use the pkgsrc management tools. Install NodeBB’s software dependencies: $ sudo pkgin update$ sudo pkgin install scmgit nodejs build-essential ImageMagick redis. [# cd /var/db/imgadm # imgadm # imgadm update # imgadm avail | grep base64 This lists the images, most recent at the bottom. For managing package releases, we strongly recommend you use pkgin. set -g prefix C-a unbind C-b # We want to imitate WMs like i3 and allow tmux to reload its config in a few # keystrokes. Was moved here after some online revamping. Next up were handling upgrades of individual/main packages ( pkgin ug ): - name: upgrade tmux pkgin: name=tmux upgrade=yes. If you wish to upgrade your 16.4.0 image (via pkgin upgrade) you need to first update the openssl packgage using the pkg_add command: pkg_add -U openssl This will upgrade the openssl package in place and then the remaining upgrades can be handled normally via pkgin. Introduction. After several reboots when windows 2008 is done installed, don't forget to install the Nic drivers via device-manager the same way we did before with the disk driver but now under directory windows -> drivers -> NetKVM -> Vista. The standard package manager for SmartOS, but also usable on NetBSD or any OS that uses pkgsrc. It can also be used in much smaller deployments of a handful, or even just a single machine. If needed setup a redis-server with default settings as a service (automatically starts and restarts): In SmartOS Zones, however, pkgsrc takes center stage by providing all the software you require from compilers to web servers to editors. Netatalk can be used to build your own NAS from commodity hardware, instead of buying one. NFS). $ pkgin search *failed-name* $ sudo pkgin install *available-name* If needed setup a redis-server with default settings as a service (automatically starts and restarts): If you want to use MongoDB, LevelDB, or another database instead of Redis please look at the Configuring Databases section. SSH into your server as the admin not root: sshadmin@ This covers the basics and should be enough to get started. Assuming you have already set up a Joyent account and an ssh key, and know how to use the nano text editor. Configure the TFTP service: svcadm enable inetd The Unix-like operating system is developed by Joyent, a virtualization and cloud computing company. When you first access the plugin selection page, the suggested plugins are selected by default. Generally, SmartOS machines just work and need little attention, unless you're gobbling disk space. To use them, run the following: #For SmartOS use the original build. It supports a bunch of media formats such like OGG, MP3, WMA, FLAC, … with Flash and HTML5 players. # Update repositories.conf for pkgin, and set $PKG_PATH for pkg_add: REPO= echo ${REPO} >/opt/local/etc/pkgin/repositories.conf: export PKG_PATH=${REPO} # Update core packages manually: pkg_add -u bootstrap-mk-files bmake # Update everything else: pkgin up: pkgin … Upgrade main packages to their newer versions, Upgrade main packages (equivalent to pkgin upgrade), Upgrade all packages (equivalent to pkgin full-upgrade), Force-upgrade all packages (equivalent to pkgin -F full-upgrade), Clean packages cache (equivalent to pkgin clean), Virtualization and Containerization Guides, Controlling how Ansible behaves: precedence rules. tags: pkgin, pkgsrc, samba, smartos A frequent question on #smartos IRC is how to set up SmartOS as a file server. While working on a role for dsapid (see: Setting up a SmartOS image server) I noticed that several pieces of functionality of pkgin were not supported by the Ansible module. This install takes about 15 minutes to get to a working high-performance basic Minecraft server with firewall and whitelist. Periodically you'll want to log in and run pkgin update pkgin upgrade. several metadata files which specify how to build the software (as an Each "package" consists of a Makefile and package). $curl \| gzip-dc| (cd/;sudo tar-xpf-)#For other illumos, use the updated build which should work, but has fewer#packages, and you will need to ignore warnings about x86_64 !=i386. Out of the ashes of OpenSolaris, the SmartOS cloud platform is rising to position itself as a competitor to Amazon EC2. Part No: 905331. $ sudo pkgin update $ sudo pkgin install scmgit nodejs build-essential ImageMagick redis If any of those failed to install then: $ pkgin search *failed-name* $ sudo pkgin install *available-name* 2. Netatalk is an open source implementation of the Apple Filing Protocol, which used to be the default file sharing protocol on Macs. OmniOS is well-suited to that task and is very similar to SmartOS which makes it easy to transition between them. Select plugins to install - to choose which set of plugins to initially install. Notified: 2021-02-04 Updated: 2021-03-04. leverage The NetBSD Packages # We want to set the prefix to C-a. $ pkgin avail | grep meminfo meminfo-1.0 Show basic memory information on SmartOS. Can be run with other steps or on it's own. Why SmartOS - ZFS, KVM, DTrace, Zones and More, How to create a Virtual Machine From Scratch, Changing the Root Password in the Global Zone, Persistent Configuration for the Global Zone, Porting Network Device Drivers from FreeBSD, With no additional arguments, lists all of the available. Select plugins to install - to choose which set of plugins to initially install. pkgsrc community at large. Use pkgin in somepackage to install a The below table lists the common pkgin commands. pkgsrc's main feed has updated sudo binaries, and one merely need pkgin upgrade in any affected SmartOS zone to get the fixed version. C-b is kind of awkward. (Home: © Copyright 2021 Red Hat, Inc. The standard package manager for SmartOS, but also usable on NetBSD or any OS that uses pkgsrc. This tutorial will show you how to install netatalk on SmartOS. To update all of the repositories that are part of the platform, you should first make sure that all of your changes have been committed. pkgin - Package manager for SmartOS, NetBSD, et al. If you break your configuration file, you can $ pkgin search *failed-name* $ sudo pkgin install *available-name* Nếu cần cài đặt redis-server với mặc định là service (tự động khởi động và khởi động lại): Nếu bạn muốn sử dụng MongoDB, LevelDB, hoặc 1 cơ sở dữ liệu khác ngoài Redis thì hãy đọc Cấu hình cơ sở dữ liệu . Due to the architecture of SmartOS and its focus on virtualisation, this isn’t as easy as on other systems, and some parts are simply not supported at this time (e.g. # pkgin -y upgrade # pkgin search ffmpeg ffmpeg4-4.1.1 Decoding, encoding and streaming software (v4.x) ffmpeg3-3.4.5 Decoding, encoding and streaming software (v3.x) # pkgin install ffmpeg4 # vi /opt/pkg/etc/mk.conf.local PKG_OPTIONS.ffmpeg4+= faac x265 CFLAGS+= -O3 # cd pkgsrc/multimedia/ffmpeg4 # bmake install If you wish to upgrade your 16.4.0 image (via pkgin upgrade) you need to first update the openssl packgage using the pkg_add command: pkg_add -U openssl This will upgrade the openssl package in place and then the remaining upgrades can be handled normally via pkgin. There’s a few community-provided patches for SmartOS that enable KVM on AMD processors amongst other things, and given the HP Microserver has an AMD processor, that’s quite useful for turning it into a better lab server. As a result one couldn’t use the module in a newly provisioned zone. $ pkgin search *failed-name* $ sudo pkgin install *available-name* Nếu cần cài đặt redis-server với mặc định là service (tự động khởi động và khởi động lại): Nếu bạn muốn sử dụng MongoDB, LevelDB, hoặc 1 cơ sở dữ liệu khác ngoài Redis thì hãy đọc Cấu hình cơ sở dữ liệu . Upgrading from 2013Q1 to 2013Q3 because I needed newer nginx. reinstall a pacakage. As noted in the table above, pkgsrc copies configuration files I got into playing under the assumption that modded Minecraft was the norm, and that calculating the optimum designs for automated power production and gargantuan resource-gathering apparatuses was the entire point of the game. Juniper Networks Affected. Upgrade all packages to their newer versions, multiple names may be given, separated by commas. In SmartOS Zones, however, pkgsrc takes center stage by providing all $ pkgin full-upgrade Doinstalujeme python: $ pkgin in python27 ... (20140404T001635Z) je již chyba v konfiguraci NTP na SmartOS opravena, nejlepším řešením je tedy upgrade SmartOS. The pkgin utility is the typical way to manage packages. A Nick Zivkovic Blog. Re: [smartos-discuss] pkgin upgrade openssl-1.0.2e to openssl-1.0.2g breaks python Jorge Schrauwen Mon, 14 Mar 2016 01:51:54 -0700 I hit the problem a while ago also, the python package got recompiled but it did not get a version bump so pkgin upgrade does not see it. His blog post is more than two years old but still provided to all people who ask about setting up Samba on SmartOS. pkgsrc is not present in the SmartOS global zone out of the box but can Please refer to pkgsrc is a framework for building third-party software on NetBSD and other UNIX-like systems, currently containing over 22,500 packages. The main list of so called “eait” builds was hiccuping when I tried to download the latest, and all I could find was a 20140812T062241Z image here. and be installable: $ sudo pkgin -y install meminfo $ /opt/local/bin/meminfo Memory (RSS) Cap 8192M Memory (RSS) Used 92M Memory (RSS) Free 8100M. The following privileges are used by FreeSWITCH daemon, and some of them are not available by default in a SmartOS zone: Statement Date: March 04, 2021. SCR3310v2.0 USB Smart Card Reader. Download the SmartOS image just uploaded. pkgin in PACKAGE: Perform packages installation or upgrade. SmartOS is a community effort, as you explore and experiment with SmartOS please feel free to edit and contribute to this site to improve the documentation for other users in the community. Periodically you'll want to log in and run pkgin update pkgin upgrade. pkgin up PACKAGE: Create and populate the initial database. This article is created as reference to my other samba posts. There are two ways to install additional software on your SmartOS instance: install from pkgsrc; compile it from source; Installing software from a package. therefore be included in your path. If the latest version of a given package is already installed, an empty string will be returned for that package. Or you can update the cache as a standalone task. Copy. Pkgin is an apt/yum like tool that serves as an interface to pkgsrc. Copy. Identiv's SCR3310v2.0 is a small and ergonomic USB smart card reader with backside mounting holes. All software will be installed under /opt/local and should This article is created as reference to my other samba posts. Samba version 4 (Samba4) is available in SmartOS since pkgsrc release 2014Q4. Notified: 2021-02-04 Updated: 2021-03-04. av to list the available packages for installation. This step is optional, and requires gpg. SmartOS gets its sudo binary from pkgsrc(1). SmartOS gets its sudo binary from pkgsrc(1). salt.modules.pkgin.latest_version (* names, ** kwargs) ¶ Return the latest version of the named package available for upgrade or installation. Juniper Networks Affected. About Triton & Joyent¶ SmartOS is a fundamental component of the Joyent Triton Data Center (Triton) product. While ZFS does support dynamic block allocation, upto the limit specified by recordsize , it doesn't directly support block suballocation, meaning that all blocks of a given object in ZFS will have the same logical size. pkgin up PACKAGE: Create and populate the initial database. This plugin is part of the community.general collection (version 2.0.1). pkgsrc is not present in the SmartOS global zone out of the box but can be easily installed using a bootstrap. Note:For Windows users that do not have ssh installed, here is an option: This article is based on Jonathans awesome Setting up Samba on SmartOS article, so thanks a lot. you will not lose any custom configurations when you update, remove, or This is where pkgsrc installs software including binaries, libraries, configuration files, supporting files, examples, documentation etc. Command to manage SmartOS packages: pkgin se PACKAGE: Search for a package. It went from version 0.12.3 to 0.10.35. Command to manage SmartOS packages: pkgin se PACKAGE: Search for a package. If it turns out your issue is a bug in Node.js itself, … It is used to enable freely available software to be configured and built easily on our 23 supported platforms. Part No: 905331. Upgrades to the package can be performed by updating the entire operating environment with pkg update, ... Solaris, OmniOS, SmartOS, and other siblings. Concise Software - Alain O'Dea . Minecraft. To use it in a playbook, specify: community.general.pkgin. Last updated on Feb 18, 2021. Please refer to Installing pkgin. pkgin ls: List installed packages. NOTE2: this post was originally written on July 2014. Optionally it has a Premium subscription for $1 a month for those interested in extended features (Smartphone Apps, no Ads, Chromecast and Sonos streaming, etc). It's one of those games that can appeal to many different people in many different ways. $ pkgin search *failed-name* $ sudo pkgin install *available-name* If needed setup a redis-server with default settings as a service (automatically starts and restarts): If you want to use MongoDB, LevelDB, or another database instead of Redis please look at the Configuring Databases section. Please report any issues you encounter to the package maintainer. When you upgrade a package it is not selecting the most current version. The standard package manager for SmartOS, but also usable on NetBSD or any OS that uses pkgsrc. It is used to enable freely available software to be configured and built easily on our 23 supported platforms. Use pkgin ls to All Posts. pkgin in -y git pkgin in -y build-essential pkgin in -y ccache pkgin in -y readline pkgin in -y bison pkgin in -y curl pkgin in -y zlib pkgin in -y openssl pkgin in -y bzip2 pkgin in -y python pip install --user lockfile pip install --user paramiko pip install --user setuptools pip install --user epydoc pip install --user psi --pre About Triton & Joyent¶ SmartOS is a fundamental component of the Joyent Triton Data Center (Triton) product. Subsonic is an opensource web-based media server, written in Java that runs on every platform. package. known as "pkgsrc". Synopsis; Options; Examples; Notes; This is an Extras Module; Synopsis. (mostly) read-only image with no packaging system to allow for Using the following SmartOS base64 image: fdea06b0-3f24-11e2-ac50-0b645575ce9d base64 1.8.4 smartos 2012-12-05T21:59:37Z 16 Jul 2015 » Reducing RAM usage in pkgin; 03 Mar 2015 » pkgsrc-2014Q4: LTS, signed packages, and more; 06 Oct 2014 » Building packages at scale; 04 Dec 2013 » A node.js-powered 8-bit CPU - part four; 03 Dec 2013 » A node.js-powered 8-bit CPU - part three; 02 Dec 2013 » A node.js-powered 8-bit CPU - part two; 01 Dec 2013 » A node.js-powered 8-bit CPU - part one Update repository database. Creating a virtual machine 1f32508c-e6e9-11e6-bc05-8fea9e979940 base-64-lts 16.4.1 smartos zone-dataset 2017-01-30 $# imgadm import 1f32508c-e6e9-11e6-bc05-8fea9e979940 Solaris Privileges. The standard package manager for SmartOS, but also usable on NetBSD or any OS that uses pkgsrc. and all packages ( pkgin fug ): This directory contains two directories that contain the database of installed and avail able packages. I’ve been using SmartOS for one year as my main development OS, and I want to share my experiences because SmartOS is a very atypical system and as such it requires an atypical style of usage. If the latest version of a given package is already installed, an empty string will be returned for that package. Upgrade SmartOS pkgsrc. SmartOS is a community effort, as you explore and experiment with SmartOS please feel free to edit and contribute to this site to improve the documentation for other users in the community. pkgin rm PACKAGE: Remove packages and depending packages. SCR3310v2.0 USB Smart Card Reader. pkgin ls: List installed packages. C-a works well if # CAPSLOCK is remapped to Ctrl. tmux The main list of so called “eait” builds was hiccuping when I tried to download the latest, and all I could find was a 20140812T062241Z image here. pkgin –y: Flag to auto send flag yes when pkgin requires it: pkgin … Statement Date: March 04, 2021. For example, to install tidy, you run this: The pkgsrc utility installs files in several directories within /opt/local. To fill this void we pkgin in PACKAGE: Perform packages installation or upgrade. cross-platform framework for building software from source and is the pkgin repo with lots of supported long term stable services. The below table lists the common pkgin commands. The pkgin utility is the Example configuration files. SmartOS was designed by Joyent to be installed on thousands of machines simultaneously at datacenter scales. well as allowing us to participate in and contribute to the larger pkgin avail: List available packages. New to Ansible 1.9: check-mode support. always get a clean one from /opt/local/share/examples. Installing Node.js via package manager. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets. pkgsrc's main feed has updated sudo binaries, and one merely need pkgin upgrade in any affected SmartOS zone to get the fixed version. To update all of the repositories that are part of the platform, you should first make sure that all of your changes have been committed. There are two ways to install additional software on your SmartOS instance: install from pkgsrc; compile it from source; Installing software from a package. be easily installed using a bootstrap. Be careful it's still build from the WIP (work in progress) repository. Logically we’d need a clean option too: - name: clean pkgin caches pkgin: clean=yes. Samba version 4 (Samba4) is available in SmartOS since pkgsrc release 2014Q4. The flexibility of this framework allows for easy porting of Pkgin is an apt/yum like tool that serves as an interface to pkgsrc.

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