efk stack kubernetes helm


INTRODUCTION The Elastic Stack is the next evolution of the EFK Stack. I shall soon write how ES stack can be used. configure fully functioning logging in Kubernetes cluster with EFK Stack . Once installed add the following Certificate issuer for self-signed certificates. Tap to unmute. kubectl create namespace cer-management in, https://github.com/jetstack/cert-manager/releases/download/v0.16.1/cert-manager.crds.yaml, 3. Once your file is set up save it and we are ready to deploy the chart. Quick Guide to Deploying Rook on Kubernetes: Clone the Kool Kubernetes repository on any machine from where the kubectl can deploy json manifests to your kubernetes cluster. Then it forwards the log to Loki central service. My cluster is running on and the nodeport is 31000 as specified in the values.yaml file. Part 7 – Deploying EFK (Elasticsearch, Fluentd, Kibana) Stack on OKE. In this blog we will see how to manage/view the logs of Kubernetes cluster and running pods using EFK (Elasticsearch Fluentd Kibana) Stack. Platform9 deploys Prometheus and Grafana with every cluster, helping solve the monitoring piece and we are actively developing a built-in FluentD deployment that will help simplify log aggregation and monitoring. Note: To install any charts and to manipulate the cluster ensure Helm 3 and KubeCtl are installed and that KubeConfig has been set up so that you can access the cluster. : Control Plane Setup: Single Node Control Plane with Privileged Containers Enabled, NOTE: If you want to deploy MetalB ensure the IP Range for is reserved within your environment and that port security will not block traffic at the Virtual Machine, Final Tweaks – This is where we enable Fluentd, Platform9 has a built-in FluentD operator that will be used to forward logs to Elasticsearch. Now the fun part, let’s use Chart Center to get Elasticsearch and Kibana running, then direct our FluentD output into Elasticsearch. This is the continuation of my last post regarding EFK on Kubernetes. The information is serialized as JSON documents and indexed in real-time and distributed across nodes in the cluster. Let’s look into its logging architecture at high level with below diagram. With following steps: configure Java and NodeJS applications to produce logs, package them into Docker images and push into a Docker private repository.. create Kubernetes cluster on a cloud platform (Linode Kubernetes Engine) NOTE: Ensure the storage class name matches your implementation. These tools also need to be cost-effective and performant. Use the BareOS wizard to create the Kubernetes cluster, below is the required the following configuration to create a cluster with our Fluentd operator enabled. Basic understanding of fluentd and kibana to begin. The object storage is cheaper as compared to the block storage required by Elasticsearch clusters. Again, if you’ve got Helm … First, you need a regular expression to match the inbound data from FluentD, this needs to match the index_name value, the next step is to identify the method Elasticsearch should use to manage log time stamps. Cluster Networking Range & HTTP Proxy: Leave with Defaults, CNI: Select Calio and use the default configuration, Tags – Use the tags field to enable Fluentd. ChartCenter stores and caches all charts, meaning every Helm chart and version of that chart remains available even if the original source goes down. If you already use my helm chart to deploy EFK stack, you should know that I improved … $ helm search repo center/ Deploying the EFK Logging Stack for Kubernetes. Check out Platform9 and JFrog’s on-demand webinar to see a step-by-step of how to setup application log monitoring in Kubernetes. Your next step is to install Helm. It is equipped with machine learning capabilities. The write path and read path in Loki are decoupled so it is highly tuneable and can be scaled independently based on the need. If your looking for an overview of Rook, an installation guide and tips on validating your new Rook Cluster read through this Blog on. Each data provider (like fluentd logs from a single Kubernetes cluster) should use a separ… Platform9 Managed OpenStack Virtual Machines, To attach a VM or physical server install the CLI by running. By Eric Bannon. The example below is using a four-node Kubernetes cluster running on Platform9 Managed OpenStack but can be achieved using any virtual infrastructure, public cloud or physical servers. Setting up an Index Pattern is a two-step process. Step 2 :. For any solution that's deployed to Kubernetes it's recommended to use Helm charts. Logs are more important to understand, what is happening inside the Kubernetes cluster. Now we have discussed the architecture of both logging technologies, let’s see how they compare against each other. Platform9 is able to build, upgrade, and manage clusters in AWS, Azure, and Bare Metal Operating Systems, BareOS, which can be physical or virtual servers running CentOS or Ubuntu. In fact, I would say the only debate is around the mechanism used to do log shipping, aka the F (fluentd), which is sometimes swapped out for L (logstash). Once deployed you can confirm both Kibana and Elasticsearch are running by navigating to the Kibana UI in your browser of choice. If you have followed this example using the same names you will not need to change anything. To achieve this, we will be using the EFK stack version 7.4.0 composed of Elastisearch, Fluentd, Kibana, Metricbeat, Hearbeat, APM-Server, and ElastAlert on a Kubernetes environment. Elasticsearch uses Query DSL and Lucene query language which provides full-text search capability. Promtail is an agent that ships the logs from the local system to the Loki cluster. Ensure your cluster has enough resources available to roll out the EFK stack, and if not scale your cluster by adding worker nodes. Helm charts also make it easy for developers to change the configuration options of applications. Now we are ready to connect FluentD to Elasticsearch, then all that remains is a default Index Pattern. Because EFK components are available as docker containers, it is easy to install it on k8s. Sep 21, ... Option 2: Helm installation of Elasticsearch. A typical workflow would be like the following: Elasticsearch is a real-time, distributed object storage, search and analytics engine. It can search in the content and sort it using a relevance score. Kibana is the visualization engine for elasticsearch data, with features like time-series analysis, machine learning, graph and location analysis. I’m going to cheat here, Rook isn’t complicated to deploy, however, to stay keep this blog focused on ELK I’m going to refer to a great example on our Kool Kubernetes GitHub repository that steps through building a 3 worker node rook cluster. After successfully completing this course, students will be able to: You will be able to create Kubernetes cluster from scratch. There are following type of nodes in the cluster: Below diagram shows how the data is stored in primary and replica shards to spread the load across nodes and to improve data availability. What can be done to solve this? This guide will show you how to run MicroPerimeter™ Security on local Kubernetes cluster using minikube. With ever-increasing complexity in distributed systems and growing cloud-native solutions, monitoring and observability become a very important aspect in understanding how the systems are behaving. Deploying the ELK Stack on Kubernetes with Helm Step 1: Setting Up Kubernetes for Elastic Stack. Anyway, this stack is getting good popularity due to its opinionated design decisions. If you currently don’t have a Platform9 free managed Kubernetes account, Single Node Control Plane with Privileged Containers Enabled, Select the node that will run the Kubernetes Control Plane, Select the three nodes you are using in this cluster. Installing Elasticsearch using Helm . For this demo, I used a NodePort to expose the Kibana UI and to do this I modified the default values.yaml with the following override. clusterName: "elasticsearch" protocol: http httpPort: 9200 transportPort: 9300, To make life a little easier, not advised for production, make the following additions to your values.yaml file, To use the Rook storage, add the following to the values.yaml file. Both the keys for each object and the contents of each key are indexed. 1. If playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your device. For the detailed steps, I found a good article on DigitalOcean . Visit here for, I’m going to cheat here, Rook isn’t complicated to deploy, however, to stay keep this blog focused on ELK I’m going to refer to a great example on our. Distributor â€“ Promtail sends logs to the distributor which acts as a buffer. Please note, you will need to adjust the user, password, index_name and importantly the url. By submitting this form, you acknowledge that your information is subject to The Linux Foundation’s Privacy Policy. The Platform9 FluentD operator is running, you can find the pods in the the ‘pf9-logging’ namespace. If you’re still in your terminal, you can also see a list of all available charts in ChartCenter by using the command: Platform9 deploys Prometheus and Grafana with every cluster, helping solve the monitoring piece and we are actively developing a built-in FluentD deployment that will help simplify log aggregation and monitoring. FluentD is a data collector which unifies the data collection and consumption for better use. For Kubernetes there are a wide variety of ways to assemble EFK together, especially with a production or business critical clusters. Elasticsearch : It is an Opensource document-oriented database, It stored the data in json format, easy to use, scalable. Helm is a package manager for Kubernetes that allows developers and operators to more easily package, configure, and deploy applications and services onto Kubernetes clusters. Before you begin with this guide, ensure you have the following available to you: 1. Grafana is the visualization tool which consumes data from Loki data sources. If working with cloud provider more understand would be better. Do not change “elasticsearchHosts” unless you modified the elastic values.yaml file. Visit here for help on Kube Config Files and visit here help on Helm. The single-process model is good for local development and small monitoring setup. We’ll be deploying a 3-Pod Elasticsearch cluster (you can scale this down to 1 if necessary), as well as a single Kibana Pod. The EFK stack is one of the best-known logging pipelines used in Kubernetes. To install in Kubernetes, the easiest way is to use helm. Once your account is active, create 4 virtual machines running either Ubuntu or CentOS in your platform of choice (Physical nodes can also be used), mount an empty unformatted volume to each VM (to support Rook) and then use the Platform9 CLI to connect each VM to the Platform9 SaaS Management Plane. The data in each shard is stored in an inverted index. The Loki is built on the same design principles of Prometheus, therefore it is a good fit for storing and analyzing the logs of Kubernetes. Loki is designed in a way that it can be used as a single monolith or can be used as microservice. For example, in GKE, Stackdriver is integrated and provides a great observability solution. Both are horizontally scalable but Loki has more advantages because of its decoupled read and write path and use of microservices-based architecture. There are multiple ingesters, the logs belonging to each stream would end up in the same ingester for all relevant entries in the same chunk. Both technologies provide ways to host multiple tenants. Node:A single Elasticsearch instance. Copyright © 2021 The Linux Foundation®. To deploy Kibana run the following commands. Install the helm chart from Chart Center, helm helm install \ cert-manager center/jetstack/cert-manager \ --namespace cert-management \ -- version 0.15.2 \, 4. It can be customized as per your specific needs and can be used to consume a very large amount of logging data. One can easily correlate the time-series based data in grafana and logs for observability. It tries to structure data as JSON as much as possible. EFK stack usually refers to Elasticsearch, Fluentd and Kibana. Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds. helm install my-elasticsearch elastic/elasticsearch --version 7.11.1 --namespace efk-stack -f values_elastic.yaml Fluentd. You will learn how to: set up a Kubernetes cluster from scratch. To follow this tutorial you must have a Platform9’s free managed Kubernetes account. This is done using the ring of ingesters and consistent hashing. Assuming that you have helm installed and configured. It uses log labels for filtering and selecting the log data. Learn how to set up K8s cluster from scratch and configure logging with ElasticSearch, Fluentd and Kibana. Now we have a cluster with multiple nodes and we don’t need to worry about certificates, the next step to running Elasticsearch is setting up storage. If you don't know how to run EFK stack on Kubernetes, I suggest that you go through my post Get Kubernetes Logs with EFK Stack in 5 Minutes to learn more about it. Cluster:Any non-trivial Elasticsearch deployment consists of multiple instances forming a cluster. What we need to do now is connect the two platforms; this is done by setting up an ‘Output” configuration. Guest post originally published on the InfraCloud blog by Anjul Sahu, Solution Architect at InfraCloud. Index:A collection of documents. Application and system logs are critical to diagnosing and addressing problems impacting the health of your cluster, but there is a good chance you will run into hairy problems associated wit… Querier – This is in the read path and does all the heavy lifting. Add the Loki chart repository and install the Loki stack. Please note, you will need to adjust the user, password, index_name and importantly the url. Given the time range and label selector, it looks at the index to figure out which are the matching chunks. Any node is capable to perform all the roles but in a large scale deployment, nodes can be assigned specific duties. Below figure shows how the data would be stored in an inverted index. Once the cluster has been built you can download a KubeConfig file directly from Platform9, choose either token or username and password and place the file in your .kube directory and name the file config. The cluster consists of many nodes to improve availability and resiliency. Navigate to the Pods, Deployments and Services dashboard, and filter the Pods table to display the Logging Namespace. Forms on this site are protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. Your cluster will now be built and you will be redirected to the Cluster Details page where you can review the status of the cluster deployment on the Node Health Page. Only metadata is indexed and thus it saves on the storage and memory (cache). We’ll be using solutions from JFrog and Platform9 to rapidly implement a complete environment: Applications and logging tools associated with K8s can be found on ChartCenter. Kubernetes Application Log Monitoring for DevOps with JFrog and Platform9. Getting started with EFK (Fluent Bit, Elasticsearch and Kibana) stack in Kubernetes. This is similar to a database in the traditional terminology. A good example Read Me can be found here. I recently setup the Elasticsearc h, Fluentd, Kibana (EFK) logging stack on a Kubernetes cluster on Azure. Once the file has been applied FluentD will start to forward data to Elasticsearch, wait a few minutes and then refresh the Kibana UI and you will be able to go through the process of setting up the first index pattern. Once your Rook cluster is running you can continue. Understanding of Kubernetes (Moderate). The chart, available versions, instructions from the vendor, and security scan results can all be found at Chart Center: https://chartcenter.io/elastic/elasticsearch. Here, I am installing using helm chart in my demo. Promtail â€“ This is the agent which is installed on the nodes (as Daemonset), it pulls the logs from the jobs and talks to Kubernetes API server to get the metadata and use this information to tag the logs. In this blog we walk through how to rapidly implement a complete Kubernetes environment with logging enabled, using multiple popular open-source tools (Elasticsearch, FluentD, Kibana), Platform9’s free Managed Kubernetes service, and JFrog’s ChartCenter. Deploying onto Azure or AWS can be achieved by adding the native AWS or Azure Storage classes for the ELK data plane. Loki is an extremely cost-effective solution because of the design decision to avoid indexing the actual log data. Installing EFK on Kubernetes . Loki Stack is useful in Kubernetes ecosystem because of the metadata discovery mechanism. Do you ever wonder how to capture logs for a container native solution running on Kubernetes? The online course “Logging in Kubernetes with EFK Stack | The Complete Guide” has been developed by Nana Janashia is teaching complex DevOps topics focused on Kubernetes and Docker in an easy and understandable way. You're signed out. I built my environment on Platform9 Managed OpenStack, below you can see I have a single VM dedicated as the primary Kubernetes node and 3 for Kubernetes Worker nodes. The chart, available versions, instructions from the vendor, and security scan results can all be found at Chart Center: https://chartcenter.io/elastic/elasticsearch, Do not change “elasticsearchHosts” unless you modified the elastic values.yaml file. The EFK (Elasticsearch, Fluentd, Kibana) stack is used to ingest, visualize, and query for logs from various sources. Don’t be surprised if you don’t find this acronym, it is mostly known as Grafana Loki. Grafana labs designed Loki which is a horizontally scalable, highly available, multi-tenant log aggregation system inspired by Prometheus. EFK Stack – Quick Installation. If you don’t know how to run EFK stack on Kubernetes, I suggest that you go through my post Get Kubernetes Logs with EFK Stack in 5 Minutes to learn more about it. The chart, available versions, instructions from the vendor and security scan results can also all be found at Chart Center: https://chartcenter.io/elastic/kibana. This blog covers deploying a BareOS Cluster on Virtual Machines using Rook for persistent storage. Distributed consensus is used to keep track of master/replica relationships. To provide resiliency and redundancy, it does n (default 3) times. Kubernetes deployments require many logs in many locations, and Site Reliability Engineers (SREs), DevOps and IT Ops teams are finding that more and more of their time is spent setting up logs, troubleshooting logging issues, or working with log data in different places. Then it reads through those chunks and greps for the result. steps through building a 3 worker node rook cluster. 3. Check out the on-demand webinar, Kubernetes Application Log Monitoring for DevOps with JFrog and Platform9 where we walk you through how to find Helm charts from major applications on ChartCenter and provide you a step-by-step of how to scale and manage your K8s deployments using the Platform9 Managed Kubernetes Free Tier. For that, we’ll need the following: Kubernetes cluster (Minikube or AKS…) Kubectl CLI; Helm CLI . ChartCenter is a central repository built to help developers find immutable, secure, and reliable Helm charts and have a single source of truth to proxy all the charts from one location. Helm charts and some scripting. Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. For a production install, you’ll want to review the information on the Read Me file for each chart. For production and scalable workload, it is recommended to go with the microservices model. This website uses cookies to offer you a better browsing experience, Certified Kubernetes Application Developer (CKAD), Kubernetes Certified Service Provider (KCSP), Certified Kubernetes Security Specialist (CKS), Loki / Promtail / Grafana vs EFK by Grafana, https://www.elastic.co/blog/found-elasticsearch-from-the-bottom-up, https://www.elastic.co/blog/found-elasticsearch-in-production/, << Previous Post: Open application model: carving building blocks for platforms, Find out more about how we use cookies and how you can change your settings, Master Nodes – controls the cluster, requires a minimum of 3, one is active at all times, Data Nodes – to hold index data and perform data-related tasks, Ingest Nodes – used for ingest pipelines to transform and enrich the data before indexing, Coordinating Nodes – to route requests, handle search reduce phase, coordinates bulk indexing, Machine Learning Nodes – to run machine learning jobs. jFrog’s ChartCenter which provides Helm charts for both these solutions. The catch with all helm charts is ensuring that you configure it for your environment using the ‘values.yaml’ file and by specifying the version, namespace, and ‘release’ or the Name of the deployment. I’m excited to announce the new Kubernetes Managed Apps offering – an extension of our Managed Kubernetes solution – ushering the next phase of self-service for Kubernetes Platform Operations! Below is a sample dashboard showing the data from Prometheus for ETCD metrics and Loki for ETCD pod logs. The installation will ask for your account details, these can be found on the first step of the BareOS wizard or the Add Node page. You might know about Grafana which is a popular visualization tool. Quickstart: $ helm install efk-stack stable/elastic-stack --set logstash.enabled=false --set fluentd.enabled=true --set fluentd-elasticsearch.enabled=true PLG Stack (Promtail, Loki and Grafana) EFK stack can be used for a variety of purposes, providing the utmost flexibility and feature-rich Kibana UI for analytics, visualization, and querying. The EFK stack is one of the best-known logging pipelines used in Kubernetes. Chunks –  Chunk of logs in a compressed format is stored in the object stores like S3. In this article, you learn more about Loki and how to use the PLG Stack (Promtail, Loki, Grafana) for logging in Kubernetes… Logging in Kubernetes with EFK Stack | The Complete Guide. Once the cluster has been built you can download a KubeConfig file directly from Platform9, choose either token or username and password and place the file in your .kube directory and name the file config. How To Set Up NGINX Ingress Controller On Kubernetes Using Platform9, Platform9 5.0 – Wrapping Up 2020 in Style, Elasticsearch, a distributed, open-source search and analytics engine for all types of data, FluentD for log aggregation. In Loki, the multi-tenancy is supported by using X-Scope-OrgId in the HTTP header request. Helm chart to deploy a working logging solution using the ElasticSearch - … Patrik Cyvoct 7 min read. To deploy the chart you will need to create a ‘values.yaml’ file (I called mine “elastic-values.yml”). Chart Location: https://chartcenter.io/jetstack/cert-manager. The chart, available versions, instructions from the vendor and security scan results can also all be found at Chart Center: You will need to place the configuration below in a yaml file and apply it to your cluster. Logging is a growing problem for Kubernetes users, and centralized log management solutions are now critical. The Linux Foundation has registered trademarks and uses trademarks. In this post we will mainly focus on configuring Fluentd/Fluent Bit but there will also be a Kibana tweak with All rights reserved. Combined with the labels information, the queries in Loki are simple for operational monitoring and can be correlated with metrics easily. You will need to place the configuration below in a yaml file and apply it to your cluster. The agents support the same labelling rules as Prometheus to make sure the metadata matches. Kops, the Kubernetes cluster management tool, also has an addon to install Fluentd as part of the EFK trio. For example, Helm charts are often created by organizations such as JFrog, Bitnami, and Elastic – and provided to the community to give them the ability to launch these organization’s software with a few command-line options. Here, I am installing using helm chart in my demo. On the other side, Loki uses LogQL which is inspired my PromQL (Prometheus query language). It indexes only metadata and doesn’t index the content of the log. Data in Elasticsearch is stored on-disk as unstructured JSON objects. We haven’t included those in our analysis in this post. By default the values.yaml file contains “elasticsearchHosts: “, ” Port 9200 is the default port and elasticsearch-master is the default Elasticsearch deployment. Please let us know what are your thoughts or comments. If you have Helm setup, this is the simplest and most future-proof way to install Fluentd. You should see Fluentd pods running. Copy link. By editing the values.yaml file, an application can be set up in different ways – such as using a different database or using different configuration controls for production apps. To handle millions of writes, it batches the inflow and compresses it in chunks as they come in. Another way to install Fluentd is to use a Helm chart. Single Node Control Plane ( 2 CPU 16 GB RAM 1 NIC), Three Worker Nodes ( 4 CPU 16 GB RAM 1 NIC). You will learn about the stack and how to configure it to centralize logging for applications deployed on Kubernetes. The Elasticsearch, Fluentd, Kibana (EFK) logging stack is one of the most popular combinations in terms of open platforms. Logging in Kubernetes with Loki and the PLG Stack. You’ll see the installation instructions under ‘Set Me Up.’ First, set ChartCenter as your repo: We cover installing cert-manager in more detail below. This article series will walk-through a standard Kubernetes deployment, which, in my opinion, gives a overall better… With elasticsearch, there are various ways to keep the tenants separate – one index per tenant, tenant-based routing, using unique tenant fields, and use of search filters. You can use some operators and arithmetic as documented here but it is not mature like Elastic language. Select the cluster and choose Edit on the Infrastructure dashboard. Statefulsets and dynamic volume provisioning capability: Elasticsearch is deployed as stateful set on Kubernetes. Containers are frequently created, deleted, and crash, pods fail, and nodes die, which makes it a challenge to preserve log data for future analysis. Connection opened to Elasticsearch cluster => {:host=>"elasticsearch.logging", :port=>9200, :scheme=>"http"} To see the logs collected by Fluentd in Kibana, click “Management” and then select “Index Patterns” under “Kibana”. To enable the FluentD operator eidt the cluster from the Infrastructure dashboard and add the following tag to the clusters configuration. Shopping. Usually, such a pipeline consists of collecting the logs, moving them to a centralized location and analyzing them. Typically in an elastic search cluster, the data stored in shards across the nodes. Let's review the Elasticsearch architecture and key concepts that are critical to the EFK stack deployment: 1. It is a set of monitoring tools  – Elastic search (object store), Logstash or FluentD (log routing and aggregation), and  Kibana for visualization. Visit here for help on Kube Config Files, For this example, I’m using a namespace called ‘monitoring-demo’ go ahead and create that in your cluster, Using the JFrog ChartCenter we are going to add JetStack Cert-Manager to our cluster to handle self-signed certificates. We’ll be using solutions from JFrog and Platform9 to rapidly implement a complete environment: Platform9’s Managed Kubernetes which provides built-in Fluentd (early access) JFrog’s ChartCenter which provides Helm charts for both these solutions. With the need for fast software development and delivery, the DevOps community can use tools and deploy them easily using Helm charts on ChartCenter. By default the values.yaml file contains “elasticsearchHosts: “http://elasticsearch-master:9200” Port 9200 is the default port and elasticsearch-master is the default Elasticsearch deployment. For the detailed steps, I found a good article on DigitalOcean . However, I decided to go with Fluent Bit , which is much lighter and it has built-in Kubernetes support . Given the move to adopting DevOps and cloud native architectures, it is critical to leverage container capabilities in order to enable digital transformation. I have bitnami EFK stack deployed using helm charts inside a self-created "logging" namespace on Kubernetes. After flushing, ingester creates a new chunk and add new entries in to that. Now I want to install elasticsearch/curator using Helm chart under the same namespace so that it can help to delete the old indices automatically. 2. You might have heard of ELK or EFK stack which has been very popular. Once the index pattern has been configured you can use the explore dashboard to view the log files. Ingester â€“ As the chunks come in, they are gzipped and appended with logs. There is a need for scalable tools that can collect data from all the services and provide the engineers with a unified view of performance, errors, logs, and availability of components. Nana Janashia. efk Tweaking an EFK stack on Kubernetes. Loki is a new log aggregation system from Grafana Labs. Fluent Bit can read Kubernetes or Docker log files from the file system or through Systemd journal, enrich logs with Kubernetes metadata, deliver logs to third-party storage services like Elasticsearch, InfluxDB, HTTP, etc. Loki can be run in single-process mode or in multiple process mode providing independent horizontal scalability. Step 2: Installing Helm on Kubernetes. Kubernetes is becoming a huge cornerstone of cloud software development. Fortunately, with advances in open-source tools and ready-made integrations from commercial providers, it’s now much simpler to set up and manage a logging solution.

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