construction waste management project report


(iii) Liquids are handled by normal pumping equipment. The Construction Site Waste Management Process supports the University’s Construction and Site Waste Management Strategy and aids the fulfilment of the overall Environmental Policy. On site incineration is generally accepted as a good method for disposing of solid wastes. This is going to be a real challenge to the scientific community and any break­through in this area would be a real boon to the plastic industry. The solid waste quantities generated in urban cen­tres are increasing due to rise in the population and increase in the per capita waste generation rate. The city of Baltimore reportedly operated commercial scale facility in 1975 to produce 4.8 million pound of steam daily from the low-BTU gas generated by pyrolysis of municipal solid waste. Plastics and Environment and Few Others. Though this problem needs to be addressed, the following facts and figures explicitly show how India is in the right situation to tackle this issue. Plastics in the packaging sector provide the convenience, ease of handling and packaging efficiency. There is tremendous scope to preserve our environment if we undertake scientifically planned preventive actions. 3. Either the technologies must be modified, usually substantially, or they may in fact be completely incompatible. Need for Proper Waste Management Programme: Project Report # 12. The Waste management plan – Construction chart (Form 18.2b) attached as Appendix C is an estimate of the core waste streams that will be removed from the Bulli ACCE Project. Direct reuse of the recovery by some treatment process that would convert it back into initial form. Several cities make use of communal containers (bins). Industrial waste is burned efficiently and economically without polluting the air. If the bins are not emptied on a regular basis, the contents may be set on fire or illegal dumps may be established at the location. Biochemical Characteristics of Waste Water Treatment: . The requirement for adequate facilities and trained personnel to conduct complex repairs and preventive maintenance, particularly of the hydraulic system; and. Collection and Storage 9. Since the social status of SWM is low, there is a strong apathy towards it, which can be seen from the uncollected waste in many areas and the deterioration of aesthetic and environmental quality at the uncontrolled disposal sites. Public officials recognize the risks and the close relation between pollution control and public health. The advantage of pyrolysis is that it produces a more generally useful and transportable form of energy. The importance and relevance of this situation is that if a satisfactory substitute cannot be found, the complete depletion of a raw material marks the termination of all manufacturing and usage based upon that material. Developing buildings with modular and standard-sized assemblies/components, and … So, for packaging, plastics are the best solution. Deficiencies Associated with Solid Waste Management System (SWM): Project Report # 8. If the amount of refuse is large, refuse is compacted and then disposed off. However, these attempts have met with little success, since, the solid waste characteristics and local conditions in India are much different from those for which the technology is developed. Many experts feel that the only lasting solution for the solid waste disposal problem lies in recycling and reuse of wastes (Fig. Let us delve into the facts on the Indian dimension of plastic waste compared to the world average. Consequently, conservation and restoration of soil quality and maintenance of soil productivity are important concerns. Project M8Ilual, the Waste Management Plan can serve the contractor as a management tool, helping organize jobsite activities and controlling the cost of disposal of construction waste. According to Wikipedia: via With this in mind our list of the many construction waste types is as follows: It is a very popular waste disposal method for industrial installations. Construction and demolition waste (C&DW) comprises the largest waste stream in the EU, with relatively stable amounts produced over time and high recovery rates. (iii) Unsalvaged waste residue is conveyed to the main pulverizer unit. We can also take a cue from the Western world on mechanised handling and disposal systems. Proper maintenance of operational parameters should be ensured to minimize the health effect due to various gaseous emissions. Further, the solid waste management strategies should also take into account the possible deteriora­tion of ground water quality because of land filling of solid wastes, residues from incinera­tors and leachates from the decomposing refuse. Parkes ACT 2600 The plastics present in the solid waste stream is 3 per cent in India as against 8 per cent world average. There are presently only three disposal methods which are practical for most industrial applica­tions: Waste is removed from plant for disposal by means such as landfill, incineration etc. 3. The problem is compounded by the fact that most of these cities have expanded their boundaries in an uncontrolled manner. Dynamic changes occur in chemical composition during compositing process along with substantial changes in microbial populations and species abundance. With dumping sites currently overflowing everywhere in Africa, it is time to take salvage/reclamation opportunities, recycling or reusing materials, source reduction and waste disposal more seriously. sustainable solution. Materials that can be (and are) recovered from solid waste and recycled into primary manufacturing industries include some of those listed in Table 5.1, namely paper, metals (especially aluminum and steel cans), and plastics. April 2018 . A cursory knowledge of the composition of the waste would be sufficient. The improper disposal of hazardous wastes results in contamination of crops or water supplies and thus pose a serious health hazard for humans and animals resulting in acute effects like death. Erosion removes the top, productive layers of the soil and leaves an exposed layer that is basically devoid of plant nutrients. Separation of wastes at source is warranted and feasible only when the reclaimed materials find reasonable market. small working face, bottom liner and leachate control system, and landfill gas control system). Recycling and reuse of the waste helps to reduce the problem of waste disposal. Recovery and recycling of some of the resources in solid wastes, although a very appealing idea is rather difficult in practice. from where they migrate to food and water and result in transmission of many diseases like bacillary dysentery, diarrhoea and amoebic dysentery in humans. It does not generate pollutants during the manufacturing stage or the conversion process. In some cases, waste collection is provided only on special occasions, such as during cleaning campaigns. ADVERTISEMENTS: The below mentioned article will help you to prepare a project report on Solid Waste Management:- 1. The company manages its construction waste by having a 30-cubic-yard container placed on each site at the beginning of the construction process. Incinerators can be classified on the basis of burner chamber or fuel bed. One reason is that successful management and processing of wastes depends on the types and composition of the material. Most municipal solid wastes generated in developing countries are disposed in open dumps. Usually, after it has been loaded to capacity of the collection route has been covered, the loaded collection vehicle is driven directly to the disposal site. The major considerations of concern with solid waste management apart from the economics are: Under warm and moist conditions, and particularly with the help of vectors (carries) like water, air, food, rodents, mosquitoes and flies, organic solid wastes are ideal breeding places for pathogenic organisms. Process of Solid Waste Management 5. Solid waste management planning requires an assessment of many complex interactions among transportation systems, land use patterns, urban growth and development, and public health considera­tions. Introduction to Solid Waste Management: Project Report # 2. Although preventive maintenance is necessary to maintain a collection fleet in proper operating condition, neglect of preventive maintenance is a common situation in DCs. However, since organic matter is transformed continually when cultivated, it must be periodically replenished. Content Filtration 6. 2. The SWM system is unplanned and is operated in an unscientific way. The study emphasises the need to prioritise waste management on construction sites. For an effective implementation of proper waste management programme, it is necessary to have holistic approach to tackle the issue. A maintenance program is of significant importance since collection and transport account for a large portion of the total cost of the waste management system. Disclaimer 8. The key objectives of any construction waste management plan should be to: 1. A combination of manual and mechanized recovery conducted on a relatively large scale and according to a governmentally sanctioned plan of operation. Reuse i.e. Improper handling of solid wastes is a health hazard especially for the workers who comes in direct contact with the wastes. A customer of mine – let’s name it XYZ Company – typically constructs about 10 houses per year. The operational efficiency of SWM depends on the active participation of both the municipal agency and the citizens. Methods of Handling Solid Waste 3. For example, in a developing country, the preparation of a waste management plan in which land filling would be the primary means of final disposal would depend mostly upon information on types (domestic, commercial, industrial, etc.) It is not the reason that these industries are unwilling to install such process, but such processes are not available for all the industries. Introduction to Solid Waste Management 2. II. Plastics and Environment: To Be Or Not to Be: Project Report # 11. In most solid waste disposal methods, the main aim is to treat the refuse in such a way as to render it safe and sterile so that upon returning it to the environment, it will not pollute the air, water or land. In some cases, an indirect route is taken to the disposal site in order to have an opportunity to discharge a part of, or even the entire, load for use as animal feed or for recovery (salvage) of materials that have some monetary value. The typical collection crew consists of three or four workers, although crews of as few as two or as many as eight have been observed. Some systems burning rubber as fuel were successful. The downstream technologies are very effective in utilization of waste from process industries with nominal additional investment, value added products can be made using these wastes, which enhances the profit of the industries. Categories 6. Large pieces of metal if malleable are normally sorted out on the feeder ahead of the crusher or put through an impact type crusher. Definition of Bio-Medical Waste 3. Collection routes very rarely are firmly established. John Gorton Building In spite of low waste volumes Indian plastic industry has taken initia­tives on recycling which is about 60 per cent in India against the world average of 15-20 per cent. This success story of Plastics would not have been possible but for the proven advantages that it possesses over its nearest substitutes like Metal, Glasses or Paper. 33.3). On the contrary, a common practice is to leave the decision for the route to the discretion of the driver. If there is not sufficient time for collecting data in the field, then the data should be obtained from reliable sources and should be critically evaluated. The material is put through a crusher where size reduction tends to make the particles more uniform. However, it is interesting to note that project managers prefer technologies over attitudinal approaches for waste minimisation. Ferrous and nonferrous materials can be separated using magnets, cardboard and paper products can also be removed and placed onto the paper salvage conveyor for entry into the paper processing system. Generally, the family and social backgrounds of scavengers are such that scavenging is the only option available to them to earn a living. In the human settlement of these cities, water supply services are not available, and sewage and solid waste collection are non­existent. Communal containers may reduce the cost of waste collection, and can minimize problems associated with lack of storage space on site. Copyright 10. 2. Every vital sector of the economy starting from agriculture to packaging, automobile, building construction, communication or info-tech have been virtually revolutionised by the applications of plas­tics. Creating a construction and demolition waste management plan is a crucial step for your project’s success. The collection operation consists of removing solid waste from the storage point. The methods range from labor intensive to fully mechanized. Management, staff, Prepared by AECOM Asia Company Limited for the PRC Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development and the Asian Development Bank Sources 5. (iv) Compaction system is employed to compact the pulverized residue for disposal. Recovery of energy from municipal solid wastes can be achieved by the following two ways: (i) Solid wastes can be burnt directly in incinerators or converted to more efficient “refuse-derived fuel” (RDF). Before any remark on alleged harmful effect of plastic is made, it is worthwhile to imagine an environment without plastics. Mostly out of the total expenditure, around 90% is accounted for manpower of which major portion is utilised for collection. Two problems in particular are associated with data collection and planning in DCs: the lack of locally available trained personnel and the need for relevant data. Salvage and Recovery of Solid Waste: Project Report # 4. The containers generally are constructed of metal, concrete, or a combination of the two. (c) Dumping is the only method of disposal when the substance cannot be destroyed by incineration. It is appropriate here to quote an interesting fact from a study report published by Inter­national Energy Agency, Paris on carbon di-oxide emission. Only joint efforts of the research institutions, consultants and industries would be able to solve this global problem in a betting economically and ecologically manner. The work of a scavenger is arduous and has little reward. According to this study, the per capita CO, emission is 0.91 MT in India. Huge Collection of Essays, Research Papers and Articles on Business Management shared by visitors and users like you. Recycling of Waste Materials 9. 5. Protection of the health and environment through the proper management of municipal solid wastes is beginning to gain importance in economically Developing Countries (DCs). They have gone for more pragmatic approach of proper waste segregation and recycling to make use of the recyclates in less value-added products, or incinerate to harness energy for further utility. Unfortunately, the use of such trucks is becoming increasingly popular, despite the fact that generally little, if any, additional compaction occurs in the vehicle because the loose wastes have a high bulk density. composition, bulk density and moisture content), as well as quantities. Scavenging is recovery of materials by entities not sanctioned officially by the government. The physical nature of a waste may determine its handling characteristics. In these applications, the functional supe­riority of plastics has been established. Some of the required basic data are those that deal with quantity, composition, and characteristics of the waste generated in the developing country. Recycling i.e. Recycling of Plastics and Tyres: Project Report # 10. Economic viability of full-scale commercial pyrolysis facility has still not been proved beyond doubt. However, in most developing countries, scavenging is an important element in the economic survival of a number of industries (e.g., pulp and paper mills). The result is that alternatives and technologies that are acceptable and practical in an industrialized country are seldom directly applicable to conditions in a developing country. Objectives of Solid Waste Management: Project Report # 6. The items that are included in the project identification list are as follows: (ii) Viscous liquids may be pumped by special pumps. Examples of some directly-transferred technologies include incineration system, refuse- derived fuel systems, and in-vessel compositing. Recycling of Waste Materials: Project Report # 9. Process of Solid Waste Management 5. Considerations 7. 3. Since the monetary expenditure for providing the service involved in waste management is high, the municipality generally must subsidize a large percentage of the cost. The following are common handling methods: (i) Solids, semi-solids, some wet materials, sticky, or tarry substances may be handled by front- end loaders or buckets. Some researchers have developed the processes for converting the low value streams into high value products. A critical evaluation of data is extremely important because it enables a determination of the accuracy of the information and subsequently justifies any needed modification to the data as a consequence of the evaluation. The scrap automobile buses where scrap automobile is almost recycled to the basic metals from which it was made. Since all observation pertain to DCs, no further reference to that fact is made in the discussion. A broad assortment of methods and equipment is used for the collection of wastes. Most of the open dumps lack of the proper equipment and trained personnel necessary for conducting the operation in a manner such that the public health and the environment are protected. These areas have become overcrowded in the extreme, mostly due to the influx of migrants from the rural areas to the metropolitan centers. Hence, this study is intended to investigate common waste management practices on construction sites in Malaysia. Finally, some of the revenue obtained from the sale of the materials can be used to defray a part of the cost of waste management, if the system is properly planned implemented, and administered. For example, plastics are manufactured primarily from depletable fossil fuels. About 70% by weight of municipal solids waste from domestic and commercial areas is combustible. But still only a small percentage of the resources is being recovered. They quickly proliferate and spread to neighbouring areas destroying property and spreading diseases. Three alternatives are normally considered for solid waste disposal: (1) Direct shipment from municipalities to a sanitary landfill. The contribution of plastics as an aid to modern agriculture is immense. XYZ Company employs 10 people during the construction of each house. Recycling […] Consequently, governments, in cooperation with some international lending institutions, have started to take steps to implement some measures of pollution control related to solid waste management. And preventive maintenance manufacturers including GAIL can extend their support to the collection staff supervised! The rural areas to the influx of migrants from the storage point adopt slogan. Such communal containers ( bins ) the issue of envi­ronment has to disposed! To forecast and manage waste and conveying it to a salvage-separation area involve the recovery of waste! Adopted with care and strict measures for safety of onsite workers if we undertake scientifically planned preventive actions of in. 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